Friday, February 28, 2014

ze weak

When was the last time when you had nowhere you had to be? I have recently started realizing how important it is to have nothing to do from time to time. It clears your mind with the clarity every new generation of television displays the industry aspires to achieve. And these days when the week seems like a blur and all I have really is a weak memory of weekends to string together I like how clears notes of music work similar wonders within few minutes. So now all I recall of a week are weekends and songs!

This whole thing about the weekend being the only thing I really remember about the week has just been coming up so often in the past few days. I've probably even discussed it with at least four people. So the last time I said it, I got thinking, "Well wow, I guess my Friday nights are very eventful days!" But now that I have given it a little more thought than just its superficial implication, I'm thinking it probably seems more relevant because of the Saturday and Sunday when I'm not doing anything... Actually we don't count the Saturday much ;)

Anyway, maybe the conclusion of this theory is that effectively, your memories revolve around times when your mind is just an explosion of itself! And silence and nothingness enable this in the best possible way...

About this, as a kid, we as a family used to do many trips. Yet, my strongest memory is that of a monastery we visited that exuberated so much peacefulness that I was astounded! I can still experience the exact feeling that I felt for those twenty everlasting minutes which transported me to a whole different universe! In twenty two years, my best memory is that of purity of thought, and I cant stress enough how much I actually appreciate logic and ideas otherwise...

love n luck

Monday, February 10, 2014

ze people

Who would've thought I'd come all the way here only to meet one friend after another. This diversity of friends seems to have something to do with the new year it appears. Just one after the other, after the other. And there are other times when you're wondering if you could be one of the most alone people in the world...
But I'm liking this, it's good stuff! Bangalore, Goa, Bombay, Barcelona, Madrid! Wow! I guess this is the year good things happen maybe... It's beautiful, and a lifetime's worth of memories... 0:)

love and luck

Sunday, February 9, 2014

ze Mad-rid-da

Well I've been here for a little while now... It's good! It's good. It's gooood!! Not all I thought it would be, but the parts I hoped it wouldn't be turned out way better than I expected so then who am I to complain. So the few things that are awesome - - - - - Food is brilliant! I never ever dreamt that dal could be made with bacon. It is almost the most brilliant innovation anyone could come by. I'd definitely invest in that. It's great!
Next, the weather on it's good days, which aren't so few, is good. So, I guess I might as well take what I'm getting. And I'm sure the good days are only going to be increasing. If not today, latest within a fortnight or so. It's not too bad, so that's liveable.
But now having saved the best for last, well, who would ever thought they'd ever say this in their life... The teachers are to die for!!!!! They're just so good it's almost unbelievable. So smart, so smart!! Much to learn from them. Though actually, I'm thinking, everyone would love learning if they had teachers like this! So captivating is their thought process that you only get to see it in action. I'm sure this year is going to be mind blowing. At least in class if nothing else. Wow! I'm still so amazed.
Ah, and another thing! Barcelona is a lot of fun! ;)

love n luck