Saturday, March 23, 2013

ze beauty... ze infinity

The movie was beautiful... The characters were beautiful... The actors were beautiful... The storyline was infinite!
Such pureness of thought, such flow... I never smiled as much during a movie that my jaws were tired by the end of it! It's a time machine! And it propels you forward and rushes you backward all at once. It's pious and heavenly. It opens up a lifetime of possibility... It promises a future... And it lives in the present! It's a diamond in the dust!

Only in my blog I tend to start sentences with the same word. As a rule I never. But this is the exception. And I'm okay with it! It gives a pure emotional output. It conveys spontaneity and the need to be original and unedited!

I have recently realized that I have developed a tremendous amount of patience. And I have a lot of people to thank for that. People and situations! I don't know whether it has been worth it, but I'd bet on it's future returns even if just in kind. All I need now is a clear mind and to be a 'wallflower'!

love n luck

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