Thursday, October 18, 2012

ze violin

I wasn't like you. I wasn't the most talented student in school. I wasn't the brightest. But I was the best.

Discipline. Practice. Something to be the best at. And yet it's always relative. And everyone thinks they are the best. Yet then again there is a flair. It is a flair for a people to be truly good at something when he can portray underlying art in his work. Art that only other best artists can read. Art that connects you at a level that makes telepathy seem like a child's play.

Serenity. Patience. Something to make you seem 'God-like'. Or with a little less blasphemy, angelic. Or yet again, atheistic-ally, something that makes you seem like a martyr. Serenity to accept the things you cannot change. Patience to put up with the things you cannot change till you find serenity.

Discipline, practice, serenity, patience may be all you need to live a fruitful life in your eyes. Just know that no one else will recognize your sanity. Unless they themselves have a hint of art. And for the rest of them, that's why serenity is on your list. No one approves of someone who is serene anyway. What would the world be if everyone wanted nothing, if everyone was content? What would the world be if everyone was at peace with themselves? 





 love n luck

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