Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ze unthought of

well as the title suggests... this is just a random thought.... no under lying, read between the lines thought.... just a jobless random, out of the world bored thing.... so think il give you a vague day discription....

today lik any other tuesday i royally screwd physics pracs... this time i wrote the wrong experiment and there were 2 to be written!!! my physics luck so knows to come in leaps and bounds....

on the good side... managed to get beyond decent amounts of mech engg sci, engg phy n engg math done... exams start tomm technically.... screwd again dis sem.... beyond stupidity... atleast they get over on saturday so they don entirely screw valentines day... not dat im a big fan... but i don detest detest either.... oh n wid all d chocolate day n hug day n teddy bear day.... i actually gave dese 3 guys n 3 girls a rose..... hope ul had a ball of a time.... its not goin to repet often.... don take advantage!!!

after quite a while d usual yukti late night conversations happened today... its like a laughing riot when wer are all around studyin at wierd odds of the mornin kinda thin, more like night but ya....

oh n finally wen d net starts working like decently enuf so that pidgin doesn keep reconnectin and signin out, jus den everyone worth talkin is snorin an enjoyin views of a virtually existent dimension..... talk abt d las man standin

and now i not only look like im a nerd but also dat i smoke n booze n smoke up all in the same package.... i shud find out somway how dat actually works.........

love n luck

Friday, February 6, 2009

ze secret

one thing iv learned is that there would be no gossip without secrets... you might be brave enough to reveal your secret only to have it used against you... or someone elses secret might affect you in unexpected ways... there are some secrets your only too happy to keep... others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before... but the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal... that once spoken change everything...

love n luck

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ze scene

read through the below to be listed conversation... well something that happened this evening would have probably resulted in a similar look over kinda thing but it didn... totally cuz i din wan it to.... in its all in my hands.... for now at least... i think... also hope so too.... and it would be nice if it remains like that..... guess it should work out for the best of everyone just like that.....

scene 1
set: in the dressing room during New York fashion week.... Top designer, Eleanor and so one of the 'high' class of New York, based vaguely on the life of her daughter and her friends... at the moment there is like a conflict for the throne at school between daughter, Blair Waldorf and best friend Serena Van Der Woodsen... Serena has recently befriended page 3 persona, Poppy... and Blair to piss of her in-the-spot-light friend sends all the models home who are scheduled to walk the ramp in not more than 10 mins and some one comes up with the brain wave that Serena and her friends will draw pubilicty.... everyone is dressed and the show has begun tho Serena ins dressed yet...... here goes!!!

Poppy: Hey, why arent u dressed?

Serena: I... I don't think im gonna do this. Blair will be crushed. And if anyone is going to be crushed. if anyone is going to walk the runway in Eleanor's designs its going to be her.

Poppy: Serena, I've known you only for a few weeks but, it's pretty clear, you've spent your whole life worryin about Blair. What she thinks and how she feels...

Serena: You dont understand...

Poppy: I was best friends for years with this girl that was just like Blair, and it was subtle, but i always had to make myself less sparkly so that she wouldn feel insecure, til one day i finally realised that that is crazy. As a tru friend i would want u to be your most beautiful vibrant self.

Serena: I dunno. jus. i really don wanna hurt her.

Poppy: i kno. i kno. but is dat a good reason to hide your light. your gorgeous. sweet. amazing. and if Blair's a true friend, she'll support you.

Serena: You're right... Eleanor, where's my dress?

Scene 2

Blair doesn lik the whole thing and so she tries screwin around a lil more... she gives Serena the dress made by one of Eleanor's interns to wear for the after party... although Serena pulls it off marvelously cuz unlike Blair who has to walk for everyone's attention... Serena just glides through... So here comes the discussion when everyones cleared out the dressing room except...

Blair: Serena can we talk?
Serena: About what? How you tried to publicly humiliate me?
Blair: You Know about the dress?
Serena: Ya, youre mums sec told me! She said it was an accident, clearly she doesn know u!!!
Blair: I'm sorry. i was hurt, ok? you blew off our most beloved tradition.
Just get over it Blair.
Blair: Excuse me?
Serena: My whole life i have been bending over backwards to protect your feelings, and you know what? its not my fault your so insecure
Blair: And im sure its not your fault youre so conceited.
Serena: I'm just tired of trying to hold myself back so i dont out shine you
Blair: Oh my god. can u hear the words that are coming out of your mouth?
Serena: Just the truth. from now on, im gonna be who i am. and if your goin to support that and not be threatened and competitive then great. if not... (turns and walks)

so some secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal... that once spoken change everything...

request for explanations if wanted...

love n luck

Monday, February 2, 2009

ze load

so y DO people make things so complicated.... u do not always have to read into anothers thoughts, words, actions, joys and sorrows.... people should stop thinking so much..... its pure stupidity.... ruins d moment n actually most of the existence.... and den they tend to dump their stupid baseless crap on u n expect u to try and change thier views about the whole situation stil maintainin their initial stand tho..... so now u also are wastin ur precious time and energy...... so as it is stupid idiotic random statements that are goin around the atmosphere picks a nice feeble ickle mind to land on and then torments them and their minuteness n so inability to apply non existent maturity screws around wid everyones life.... seriously people need to learn to relax...... to live... n let live in this context here..... seriously... else get a life.... its gettin on d nerves now....

one pre written with different emotions swarmin my mind:
Complexity has always been my strong point in my opinion… it technically doesn influence much it just maintains my sanity pretty much… for personal satisfaction… not that anything needs to be satisfied… don’t get how it actually pulls that off but still… being complicated has always been amusing… seld reassuring… guarantees a sound mind?? I dunno…. Dunno any more… but actually I never did… and its not only me, no one ever… I wonder why we think we know everything… again something I pride myself in achieving… and to top it off… I still will… the way I are…

so ya i like complexity.... i really do..... but what i was referin to earlier wasn jus dis..... it was partially.... freedom.... in whatever way u put it...... il sure lik to hear ur explanations..... i kno what im talkin abt.. do u?

love n luck