Friday, August 9, 2013

ze Spain

Hey you,

I'm missing you! Just found out about Spain and I'm so excited, I'm borderline euphoric! And I am dying to tell you... But you're so far away, I don't actually really know where you even are right now! This is crazy! I got accepted in to the best Management school in Europe! And a top 15 in the US!!!! It doesn't seem even remotely possible, that it appeared to be this easy... Thank you so much for all your help with everything... But this is such big news and I'm not sure I know how to react! All I know, is that I've never really been this ecstatic about much before! I just want to scream and tell everyone that I got in!! And I just want to tell you, and see your expression, and watch your reaction, and hug you tight..... I miss you!!!!! You're far away! But flying kisses transcend space and time, so lots coming your way....

Love n luck,
For what it is and what it's worth...